We had soooo much fun doing our Polar Express unit. We didn’t have time to squeeze it all in because I waited too long to start. I always forget how much time the Christmas Pageant takes up! I’ll be prepared next year. I was so not good about taking pictures while the kids were working, but I took a few shots of some finished stuff. Here are our Polar Express sequencing trains. This is the front part when it’s all folded up.
This is one of the writing prompts from my Polar Express Literacy unit. Some of them were pretty creative!

Gingerbread Fun
We had a lot of fun last week with our Gingerbread mini-unit. First, we read several Gingerbread books. I saw this Gingerbread house on Babbling Abbey‘s blog last year and loved it, so I made one of my own. I laminated the white paper and wrote using white board marker so I could reuse this again next year.

Christmas Around the World