I have created so many phonics resources over the years. I continually tweak them as I learn more about the science of reading and experience working with my students. I have had a lot of requests to put all of my resources in the order I teach them in one place, so here we go!
Phonemic Awareness Resources
Before we can jump into phonics resources, we’ll need to look at the precursor to phonics instruction: phonemic awareness instruction. Phonemic awareness is often the missing puzzle piece for students who are struggling with reading. If they can’t hear the sounds in words, they will not be able to read and spell words.
I have three resources for teaching phonemic awareness: hands-on, colorful intervention activities, “printable” (black-and-white) intervention resources, and a take-home kit.

For blog posts about phonemic awareness, click here and here.
Alphabet (Sound-Symbol) Resources
Sound-symbol instruction goes hand-in-hand with phonemic awareness activities to prepare students for phonics instruction. Together alphabet knowledge and phonemic awareness lead to strong phonics skills.
This first resource has details about how I set up my alphabet instruction. This provides a sequence, several ideas for what to do for each letters, visual aides, picture cards for sound-symbol sorts, teaching posters, and more! I’ve been adding Google Slides for distance and digital learning as well. I use a systematic approach, with a specific sequence. I break the letters into sets and make sure my students master the set before moving on.

This next phonics resource is a student workbook, but it is meant to be used interactively. There are so many practice pages to help students master sound-symbol awareness. Like the resource above, it follows a systematic approach, using a specific sequence.

And of course, games, games, games! This is a must-have for our little ones who need more practice but have a small attention span. This also follows the sequence I mentioned above.

Click HERE to read a post about how I teach the alphabet systematically and explicitly.
Phonics Resource: Closed Syllables
Closed syllables are one of six syllable types in the English language. (Click here to read more about syllable types.) Closed syllables are taught in kindergarten, beginning with CVC words, and continue into first grade with digraphs, blends, and units. This is the first step with phonics instruction.
This unit includes lesson plans for closed syllables. There is also a student activity book and teaching posters.

The following activities can supplement the phonics resource above or they can be stand-alone resources that work with any phonics program.
Closed Syllable Resources: CVC Words

Sentence Building: CVC Words

For printable decodable sentences: CVC words here. (For a bundle of all phonics skills, click here.)
For Phonetic sentence building phrases, click here.
For CVC word Build a Sentence, click HERE.
For phonetic sentence scramblers, click here for combo of digital and printable.
For a sentence matching activity (match decodable sentence to pictures), click here for printable and here for digital.
Decodable Texts: CVC Words

For 50 decodable reading passages, click here.
For 10 stories (in printable book form and digital boom decks), click HERE.
Phonics Games: CVC Words

Digital CVC Phonics Resources
Below are just some of my digital boom cards with a CVC word focus. Click HERE to see all of them!