Is it October? What?! Where did September go? I keep saying, “Oh the school year just started.” Then I realize I’ve been in school for a month. It just flew by! I mentioned in my last post that I’m spending one more week doing September centers since we got a late start, but I wanted to show you all my October centers in case you wanted to get a jump start. They are a little different than they were when I posted about it last year. So here’s a peak:
Word Work: 5 centers
Going Batty Making Words: connecting two syllable words
Sorting Treats: short and long e (with ea words like bread vs. treat)
Word Endings: suffixes
Glue a Sentence: two choices
Sentence Scrambler: to add a challenge, there are two ways to make each sentence. Once students unscramble the sentence, they can mix them up again to make another sentence.
Super Sentence: This is much more challenging than the first grade version! It has adjectives AND adverbs!
Writing centers: