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January Literacy Centers for 1st Grade
Happy Saturday everyone! Well, I’ve done something I’ve been meaning to do for two years now. I’ve updated the covers on my centers… for one month at least. 🙂 I plan on doing it for ALL of my centers, but that is quite the job. The new updated covers are all more basic and have a similar format now. The biggest and most exciting change is that I put the label (that says reading, word work, sentence building, or writing) on the covers. I have no idea why I didn’t do that in the first place. Instead of had labels to print out and stick on there. What a pain! Anyway, I love the new covers so I had to show you all!
This shows you how it’s all put together. You wouldn’t have to paint your folder holders- that’s just an added touch.
Here are the centers under the reading column:
Word Work:
Sentence Building:
I hope to get these all updated soon. You don’t have to use the new covers because what a pain to redo them if you already have them. But the option is there if you want. I just WISH I would’ve thought of it sooner…