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December Christmas Calendar for parents freebie
This post is not so school related. My son Shawn is 4 1/2 and he LOOOVES calendars, puzzles, and numbers. He’s in pre-k this year and just loves calendar time. He always wants to know the day, the date, the season, all of it! He’s always been mathematically/spacially-inclined. First it was puzzles, then wanting to memorize every state, counting everything in sight, and now it’s the calendar. He also is like his mama and loves Christmas. More accurately, he loves the entire Christmas season. He’s been talking about Christmas stuff since the day after Halloween. He wanted me to make a list of all the things that we get to do during Christmas (the usual: we always ride on the Polar Express, make a gingerbread house, make some gifts, go see some lights, etc). After that, I thought I’d put these two things he loves together and make a calendar of our fun Christmas season. I made it yesterday for him. I printed, laminated, added some velcro, and vuala!
Umm, can you say obsessed?! I thought we’d just put on a few events, then add them as we were looking for things to do. Use is as a regular calendar, you know? Nope! He was all about arranging them, then rearranging them, over and over. This is what I love about this kid! Adorable. He was so serious about it too. Ha!
And then again this morning- first thing he wanted to do!
I thought I’d share it with you, in case you have some little calendar-lovin’ kids in your house. Or maybe you want to give them a little calendar practice. This is actually two pages. I printed, laminated, then cut it and glued it to make a big calendar. Then I laminated and cut the little picture cards of events. The one I made for Shawn is geared toward stuff in Portland, so I made one that was a little more general for you all. If you are a parent looking for things to do during this fun season, you should definitely download this freebie.
I put little velcro on the calendar days and on the back of each little card. Then you can move things around.
If you’d like this, you can get it by clicking on the picture below: