I recently purchased Cara Caroll's Great Coin Collection and it is FABULOUS! Here, my students are playing one of the games in the packet. They LOVED it! I highly recommend buying it from her TPT store. ... Read More about Money Games
Abraham Lincoln
After reading Abe Lincoln's Hat, we talked about all the fun facts we learned about Abraham Lincoln. I wrote some of the details from the story on sentence strips and then the class worked together to put the events in order. You can download a student copy of this here. Then in writing workshop each student wrote facts they learned about Abraham Lincoln. We glued this to Abe Lincoln's hat ... Read More about Abraham Lincoln
Literacy Centers
One of my favorite things to do is make literacy centers for my class. It's taken me a few years but I've figured out what works for me. I realized that I couldn't change them weekly, so my centers are changed monthly. Here's how it works: They get a literacy menu each month. The menu is divided into four categories: Reading, Word Work, Writing, and Sentence Building, and there are four ... Read More about Literacy Centers
money dice game
I played this game today with my class. It's a way to use dice while practicing counting money. You can download it here. ... Read More about money dice game
President’s Day unit part 1
I'm slowly getting my President's Day mini-unit together. I have a lot of great books to read to the class, which will help with all of these activities. First, I'm going to do this tree map with the class. There are four different options: Page 1: They can write it in themselves after reading/discussing Page 1 and 2: They can cut out and place in the correct column Page 3: They can do ... Read More about President’s Day unit part 1
Groundhog Day
Once again, my students inspired me today! We were reading this cute groundhog story, when one of my students asked, "how come he only sees his shadow sometimes?" Of course many of the other students were excited to tell him the answer to his question. :) But, I still thought it would be fun to do a little investigation anyway. I spent my lunch half eating and half making an investigation ... Read More about Groundhog Day