Remember when I posted about my guided reading “snapshot” way back when? It’s been one of my most popular posts and downloads ever, and I had some requests to make one for math. These “snapshots” are meant to be a communication tool with parents. They also help me look really objectively and specifically at a student’s skills. I would use these as a performance assessment. I have students at all different skill levels, as I’m sure you do. Some are still using fingers to add and only use counting on as a strategy. Others have figured out how to “make ten” and use doubles plus one and all that. Some can add very well and use tons of strategies to do so, but still struggle with story problems that aren’t totally basic (“how many in all” type questions). I wanted to find a way to communicate my observations with parents in a simple way. Here are two different formats:
This one is more rubric style:
For this one, you would circle in each section:
So I need your help! I made two “rough drafts” and I wanted to get your input. These are just for addition. I thought about what I looked for when assessing my students and this is what I came up with. Keep in mind that this is just a snapshot of one math skill. I used the common core standards to guide me. It made me realize that I could make a ton of these to cover all the standards. This one doesn’t even totally cover all the addition standards for first grade, but it’s a start (it’s where most of my students are right now).
Also, I wasn’t sure if my wording worked. Is it too “teachery” for parents? And am I getting way too specific? Would it make sense for parents (especially in the strategies section that talks about “making ten” and “doubles plus one”) Also, did I miss anything really important? More than anything, would you use this?
So… please give me any feedback you have.
I will be posting this as a freebie after I’ve tweaked it so it’s just right. 🙂 I know you all have good ideas out there and you know what you are looking for while assessing your students. Your feedback will be so helpful!